these engraved pieces of slate feature various one of a kind writings by artist + co-owner darcel hawkins. each piece of slate is displayed on a wooden easel. perfect touch for a minimalistic addition to your decor.
"to the pioneer + peacemaker • to the inspirational human + rebel with a cause • to the creative constructor of all things revolutionary • to the one with vision•the teacher + torch holder • your tenderness + tenacity is seen•you are brave + beautiful + bold • you are why love lives on."
"put aside the “maybes” • the “one days” • the “only ifs” • let go of the complicated excuses that take away too much energy and mental space to even consider keeping • throw out the untruths and fear of uncertainty • the prerequisites and prejudices • take away the heaping piles of potential failures • the future forecasting that is nothing but falsity • pick up your got-dayum worthiness and run • f-ing run for the hills or the mountains or toward the majestic-ness of your soul • run and let and let regret sit at the feet of the misled, misread rememberings of your past • it was all perfect • you are perfect • and god is waiting for your amen in action."
"my dearest, you have been waiting so long for a sign, for some kind of significant happening to pull you, to lead you, to drag you into the direction of your dreams, but darling all you need is movement and the universe will direct your sails."
do not give them your fear, give them your fiercest determination for emancipation + stand within the world upon the work of many women before you that blazed trails + stood trials, that bled in fields + walked miles, give them heart + soul but never control, do not let them console or
council you into submission. do not be submissive. you are too powerful to listen. find your vision,
find your voice, This isn’t about their vote, It’s about your choice."
"we are modern adventurers - you + me
traversing unknown landscapes + uncharted waters.
we may fail at finding the fountain of youth, but will always succeed in finding each other."
"when you think you can’t, when your last hope has lost it’s luster, when dust has collected on your dreams, and mornings are filled with mourning, breathe.
take the next inhale, remind yourself you are alive + that the only consistency life holds is change.
your down will become up, your side walls will shift sideways, everything certain will certainly fall
+ what’s left, what holds up in the heat, is the truest truth of the human being."
• Dimensions: 17.3 x 19.8 cm (6.8 x 7.8 in)
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